Training courses for professional therapists.  Usually there is a pre-requisite of experience and/or qualifications.

Certificate/Diploma in Supervision

Certificate in Clinical Practice from a Jungian Perspective

Clinical Assessment Course

Diploma in Jungian Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with Adolescents and Young Adults

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Adolescence onwards: Working with the interminability of a mental state 

With limited therapeutic services available to this transitional age group in the UK, there is increasing pressure and demand on therapists in private practice and charities to treat patients within this group. This CPD course has been developed to further the therapist’s skill and support when working with this challenging developmental stage.

This course will focus on the adolescent “state of mind” and its interminability. This means that, although much of the theory and clinical work will be focused on adolescents and young adults, the attention will be on a mental functioning that is potentially interminable and can be found at any age. In addition, the term “interminability” refers to the evidence that in contemporary Western societies, fluidity and vagueness around transitions are in the foreground and constitute quite a challenging problem.

The course will support a learning and experiential space for the therapist to discover what it will mean to allow the patient’s core anxieties—conscious and unconscious—to emerge in the service of development. The course will give close attention to transference and counter-transference manifestations and to the central significance of observation.

This unique course is designed for practising clinicians (psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and counsellors) who wish to deepen their clinical understanding and are particularly interested in the Jungian approach practised at the Society of Analytical Psychology (SAP).

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A psychodynamic/psychoanalytic supervision course with a Jungian orientation in two strands